Parent & Child Camp : Friday 17th – Sunday 19th June 2016

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Parent & Child Camp
Friday 17th – Sunday 19th June 2016
Hamlet Wood Scout Camp

Back by popular demand, we will be once again holding Marden’s legendary Parent & Child Camp this year.

Over the weekend Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, accompanied by a parent (or guardian), all work in small groups / Patrols, preparing and cooking their own meals and taking part in activities and challenges based on a central theme such as Knight of the Round Table. Points are awarded and earned by the Patrols over the weekend, with a prize giving on Sunday (from previous experience parents become as keen to win points as the children!).

Following feedback from 2014’s camp, we ask that you bring your own tent to sleep in. We are very limited on space, so ask that you do not bring large “family” tents or that you arrange prior to camp to share these types of tents with friends attending camp. If you do not have your own tent, the Scout Group will provide traditional Patrol tents which you will share with others (adults and children sleeping separately).

Further details are included in the letter sent by your section leader but remember that to book your place please return the form included with this, along with a non-refundable deposit of £10 per person, to your Section Leader by Friday 26th February. (Please remember to collect your receipt from the Section Leader)

Further details (joining times, kit list etc) will be given nearer the time but should you have any further questions please speak to your section leaders.

As Sunday the 19th is Fathers Day, participants partners & children are invited to join us all for lunch on Sunday and watch the exciting final challenges and prize giving.

This is a great weekend for everyone to get together under canvas and experience some Scouting fun so we hope that it is well supported by you all. It isn’t a weekend just for the Dads, one of our most memorable winning patrols were made up of ladies and their children, could this be repeated in 2016?!?!

Yours in Scouting

The Group Leaders

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