Marden Cubs need you . . . By mardenscouts on 11th October 2015 (updated 11th October 2015) In Beavers, Cubs, Featured, News, Scouts / 0 comments Marden Cubs need you . . . Our Cub Scout Leader, Matt Causer, has decided to step down from his role at the end of this year. Over the last 9 years he and his assistants have ensured that Cubs have enjoyed a varied, challenging & fun experience with highlights including Shelter building, pond dipping, Chinese cooking, kayaking, wide games, Camps and Water Fun Days. With Matt’s imminent departure it is important that we now find additional volunteers to ensure Marden are still able to provide Cub Scouting for the young people in the area. Volunteers need not necessarily know how to tie a reef knot or put up a tent as enthusiasm goes a long way. Joining our team may sound like a big commitment to already busy lives but we encourage flexible volunteering and, like all things, many hands make light work. • Being able to encourage a young person to achieve their best is a valuable skill. Giving them self-confidence to achieve is a gift for life. All it takes are a few words and actions – Can you do that? • Providing the direction to make a young person see the way forward, encouraging them to find the answer and discovering a solution through doing – Can you do that? • Scouting provides young people with opportunities to develop their lives into a positive outlook for tomorrow – Can you help guide them? • Helping them to grow into happy, confident, respected young people is a life changing experience – Can you make a young person smile? If you or someone you know would be interested in finding out more about joining our team please contact me. Kieran Burns Group Scout Leader e-mail : Tel : 01622 433971 Marden Cubs need you Leaflet Tweet Tweet