Category: Featured

AGM – Thank you!

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We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended our AGM last Saturday, it was fantastic to see so many there. Also another huge thanks to Ken Ballard LTD for their continued support and for generously donating the delicious burgers!

We do have a variety of exciting volunteering opportunities for both uniformed and non-uniformed roles – please contact us on to find out any more information or ask any questions you may have

Games, family BBQ & AGM – 8th June

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We are pleased to invite everyone along to our fun afternoon of games and a family BBQ, along with our AGM to celebrate the past year, on 8th June

Full details are attached and please remember to confirm attendance (numbers and any dietary requirements) by e-mailing us on 

We look forward to seeing you there!

St George’s Day 2024

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This year’s St George’s Day Parade in Maidstone will take place on Sunday 28th April.  The Parade is a chance for members of the Scout Association to celebrate the Patron Saint of Scouting and demonstrate the strength of the Movement within both Maidstone Districts.

This year we are the 3rd Group in Maidstone West, who are starting from Earl Street, to parade so please find us (look out for the lemon scarves!) outside the Hazlitt Theatre, at 13:10. 

Please make sure that all members who are invested are wearing full uniform and that they are as smart as possible.  For those not yet invested please dress smartly if joining us this year.  If the weather is doubtful, Scout outer garments or other appropriate rainwear should be worn.

There will be a collection taken in aid of a local charity and if you do wish to contribute, please pass this straight to your Section Leader when you arrive.

For anyone who wishes to watch us parade we will start from Week Street at 13:30, head along the High Street, turn down Mill Street and finish at All Saints Church.

The service will end between 14:45 and 15:00 and please pick up your children from their Section Leader in the Archbishop’s Palace Courtyard (next to All Saints Church).

As a Group we do ask members to support 2 annual parades, this being one of them.  We are always very well represented by our members at this service and hope that the good turnout continues this year.

Santa is back in Marden!!

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It is that time of year again and Santa has asked Marden Scout Group to help him again!

After a great time last year (eventually when the snow allowed!) we have been asked by the Paddock Wood Lions to support Santa and his sleigh and we will again be collecting for the Marden Food Bank. This will be on Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December.

We need volunteers (adults please, although children can accompany if needed – no children on their own) to help us collect donations between 16:30 and 18:15(ish) so pelase let us know if you can support this great event

Remembrance Day Service – Sunday 12th November

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As a Group we ask all Leaders, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers to attend Marden’s Remembrance Service to pay our respects to all those who have given their lives while doing their duty. While this has, of course, been disrupted over the last few years previously we are always been very well represented by our members and we hope that the good turnout continues this year.

This year the Remembrance Day service will follow the same format as last year and will be outdoors at the front of St Michaels and All Angels (Marden Church).

For those wishing to attend we ask that you meet at the Scout HQ at 10.20 am where we will assemble and then walk down to Church.  The service will begin at 10.50 am and finish at approximately 11.15 am.  During the service a collection will be held.  We ask that parents collect their children from the Church gates at the end of the service.

All those that are attending please wear full uniform, have a smartly rolled scarf, shiny shoes and a poppy.  With the service being outside please do dress for the weather with plenty of layers and a coat if needed.

Yours in Scouting,

Kieran Burns

Group Scout Leader

Group AGM

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Come and join us at the Group AGM on Tuesday 26th September, 7pm at the Scout HQ. It’s is the ideal chance to hear all about what we have been up to, learn the many ways you can help our fantastic Group and have your say!

Challenger Cub Pack – Important Update

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Challenger Cub Pack

Important Updates

2nd January 2022


Some months back I wrote to all of our members to inform them that Kelly was stepping down from the Leadership team of our Challenger Pack at the end of the year, and appealed for adult volunteers to come forward to support Jena Scott and join the Pack’s Leadership team so that they were able to continue running.


I’m sorry to start 2022 with yet more sad news, but with a new shift pattern at work Jena is also now having to step down.  As I am sure you know, Jena was one of the parents that kindly stepped forward and volunteered to form a Leadership Team in order for us to open Challenger Pack back in 2019.  On behalf of the Group and its’ members I’d like to thank Jena for all that she has done in driving the Challenger Pack forward since it started, and the great Scouting fun she has given to all of the Pack’s members.


To date, unfortunately we have not had any volunteers come forward to join the leadership team of Challenger.  Having reviewed our membership, there just aren’t enough spaces to move all Cubs from Challenger into the Pioneer Pack on a Wednesday, so with the help of existing leaders within the Group we are looking to pull together and run a programme for Challenger’s members to stop it closing immediately.  However, I am sure you will appreciate this can only be a “short term fix” to give us time to hopefully get a new Leadership team in place to enable Challenger to continue.


The Team now need to plan a programme and we will share this and section meeting dates with Challenger’s members ASAP.  The temporary Leader team will also need the support of all of Challenger Pack’s parents and a “Parent Rota” will be shared (If parents have any hobbies / interests / skills then please do share these with us as these could be great to share with the Cubs).


In the meantime, I appeal again to everyone for help in order to keep Challenger Pack open.  If you would like to know more about becoming part of the Leadership team then please do email me


Yours in Scouting




Marden Scout Group


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Wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS from all at Marden Scout Group