St George’s Day 2024

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This year’s St George’s Day Parade in Maidstone will take place on Sunday 28th April.  The Parade is a chance for members of the Scout Association to celebrate the Patron Saint of Scouting and demonstrate the strength of the Movement within both Maidstone Districts.

This year we are the 3rd Group in Maidstone West, who are starting from Earl Street, to parade so please find us (look out for the lemon scarves!) outside the Hazlitt Theatre, at 13:10. 

Please make sure that all members who are invested are wearing full uniform and that they are as smart as possible.  For those not yet invested please dress smartly if joining us this year.  If the weather is doubtful, Scout outer garments or other appropriate rainwear should be worn.

There will be a collection taken in aid of a local charity and if you do wish to contribute, please pass this straight to your Section Leader when you arrive.

For anyone who wishes to watch us parade we will start from Week Street at 13:30, head along the High Street, turn down Mill Street and finish at All Saints Church.

The service will end between 14:45 and 15:00 and please pick up your children from their Section Leader in the Archbishop’s Palace Courtyard (next to All Saints Church).

As a Group we do ask members to support 2 annual parades, this being one of them.  We are always very well represented by our members at this service and hope that the good turnout continues this year.

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