More Free Tea and Cake! Sunday 5th June 2016 By mardenscouts on 30th May 2016 In Beavers, Cubs, Featured, News, Scouts / 0 comments We would like to thank all those that attended the working party on the morning of Sunday 15th May, I think you would agree that our grounds look far smarter now. Unfortunately with the time and amount of extra help we had we were unable to attend to all the areas that needed tackling, and so it will be necessary to hold another working party on Sunday 5th June 9.30am -12 noon. We would ask that you please bring any tools you feel would best aid in gardening and clearing the grounds (we do need to clear Ivy off the back wall so step ladders / ladders would be useful, and prune back some of the trees, so long pruning saws would be handy). We have also a considerable amount of rubbish around the grounds (broken chairs, old fire drums, old cupboards), so would be grateful to those with a car and boot space that would be willing to do a run to the tip. In addition to us all wanting to enjoy a smart Scout HQ, we also have a commitment under the terms of our lease to keep the building and site looking presentable and so we would also ask if there were volunteers that would form a Maintenance Team and then organise themselves in the regular upkeep / development of the grounds and buildings. If you or someone you know would like to help as part of the Maintenance Team then please speak with your Section Leader or please contact myself. I am sure you will appreciate that the Section Leaders and Committee members give a considerable amount of time to the Scout Group to ensure all of our members receive a fantastic Scouting experience in safe, serviceable facilities. Without the help of additional volunteers in the ongoing maintenance of the HQ & grounds the Scout Group would be forced to use contractors, and their cost would significantly eat into our funds. We look forward to your help and support on the 5th Tweet Tweet