#CampAtHome By mardenscouts on 3rd May 2020 In Beavers, Cubs, Featured, News, Scouts / 0 comments #CampAtHome Calling all young people from across Marden Scout Group – COVID-19 may have changed the way we do things, but it won’t stop Scouts camping! #CampAtHome was started by Leicestershire & Northumberland Scouts as a virtual camp throughout April with the hope to set a world record for the largest virtual camp on the 30th April with 1 Million participants! We thought it would be fantastic for all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in Marden to be part of setting a world record. Here are the “Rules” – we are asking all Young People interested in joining in the fun to: Pack a bag Build a den at home / pitch a tent in the garden / hang up a hammock (whatever you can) Sleep in your shelter of choice Build a ‘campfire’ (real or virtual) Take part in a “Scouty activity” Help with cooking a meal Then share photos of your camp with your leaders, and on our Facebook page (“Marden Scout Group”) and Social Media (#CampAtHome), to show that although we can’t meet “Face to Face” Scouting doesn’t stop! We need to register everyone that wants to participate in the record attempt (on 30th April), so please email under the title #CampAtHome your full name to GSL@mardenscouts.org.uk by no later than Saturday 19th April. Participating will also mean all young people will gain 1 “Night Away”. This is a staged activity badge, meaning you can earn more “nights away” the more you camp. So why not set up you camp straight away and earn a “night away” for each night you participate (as long as they aren’t sleeping in your bed!!). Keep a record at home (and some photos!) and share this with your section Leaders. Tweet Tweet