Challenger Cub Pack – Important Update

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Challenger Cub Pack

Important Updates

2nd January 2022


Some months back I wrote to all of our members to inform them that Kelly was stepping down from the Leadership team of our Challenger Pack at the end of the year, and appealed for adult volunteers to come forward to support Jena Scott and join the Pack’s Leadership team so that they were able to continue running.


I’m sorry to start 2022 with yet more sad news, but with a new shift pattern at work Jena is also now having to step down.  As I am sure you know, Jena was one of the parents that kindly stepped forward and volunteered to form a Leadership Team in order for us to open Challenger Pack back in 2019.  On behalf of the Group and its’ members I’d like to thank Jena for all that she has done in driving the Challenger Pack forward since it started, and the great Scouting fun she has given to all of the Pack’s members.


To date, unfortunately we have not had any volunteers come forward to join the leadership team of Challenger.  Having reviewed our membership, there just aren’t enough spaces to move all Cubs from Challenger into the Pioneer Pack on a Wednesday, so with the help of existing leaders within the Group we are looking to pull together and run a programme for Challenger’s members to stop it closing immediately.  However, I am sure you will appreciate this can only be a “short term fix” to give us time to hopefully get a new Leadership team in place to enable Challenger to continue.


The Team now need to plan a programme and we will share this and section meeting dates with Challenger’s members ASAP.  The temporary Leader team will also need the support of all of Challenger Pack’s parents and a “Parent Rota” will be shared (If parents have any hobbies / interests / skills then please do share these with us as these could be great to share with the Cubs).


In the meantime, I appeal again to everyone for help in order to keep Challenger Pack open.  If you would like to know more about becoming part of the Leadership team then please do email me


Yours in Scouting




Marden Scout Group

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