Marden Scarf Badge By mardenscouts on 23rd April 2016 (updated 23rd April 2016) In Beavers, Cubs, Featured, News, Scouts / 0 comments Marden Group Scarf Badge A little while back we asked all of our members to design a badge to replace the existing badge worn on our Group scarf. We received a number of designs from across all of our sections and then our Executive Committee judged them all for a best individual design. After a lot of debate (and arguments!!!) we have taken 3 designs; created by Sophie Scott, Victoria Higgs and Abigail Nayler; to create a unique eye-catching badge that represents Marden. All of our current members will be given a new badge by their section leader at the end of their next meeting, we ask that you please remove the “old” badge from your scarf and sew on this replacement ASAP. To avoid losing your new badge, don’t forget to clearly mark your name on your scarf! Alternatively if you wish to avoid sewing, we have a supply of new scarves which have the new badge embroidered on them already, these can be purchased from your section leader for £6 each (we would be grateful if you could bring exact monies). Our thanks to all for their designs and special thanks to Sophie, Victoria and Abigail who’s badge will be worn by all members of Marden Scout Group for many years to come. Marden Scarf Badge Letter Tweet Tweet