Update from the Chairman

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I hope that this update finds you and your families well and that you are coping with the restrictions of the last few months.

As I am sure you are aware that whilst we have started down the long road of the easing of restrictions the virus is still present and we need to remain vigilant and continue with the social distancing. Even though schools are commencing a tentative return for certain year groups it is not yet deemed safe, or appropriate, for groups such as ourselves to meet, the safety of our children and leaders remains our number one priority.

Whilst we have not been able to meet in person it has been fantastic to see so many of our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts take part in the various activities that have been organised:

  • We had 64 children, leaders and parents take part in the World Record beating #CampAtHome challenge
  • We joined with other Kent scouts in the MAYhem Camp challenges
  • Many children have been virtual Scouting with our very own Minecraft
  • Individually many children have been working on Activity badges at home and have been trying out the hundreds of activities available through the ‘Scouts – The Great Indoors’ website


It has been great to see so many pictures posted on the Marden Scouts Facebook pages.

As we turn our attention to the, hopefully not too distant, prospect of getting back to some sort of normality I thought it appropriate to update you on a number of things:

  • Recognising that our Scouts were not able to meet, the Executive committee decided to suspend subs payments and utilise our reserves and a grant that we received from Maidstone Council to pay the ongoing running costs such as insurance and the Capitation payments to the Scouting organisation. Not all Scout Groups took the same action and we hope that we will be able to resume meetings soon as this is not financially sustainable in the long term
  • The HQ and grounds still require management and maintenance, Parental support is vital to help manage & reduce costs. Our Leaders have been up to mow the grass but we need volunteers to take this on moving forward as well as help in making the borders / paths tidy and keeping it like this
  • the exterior, and possibly the interior, of the Scout Hut HQ will need decorating, we will need help with that
  • we have had no volunteers to our recent request to help with the weekly clean of the Scout Hut and so unless help comes forward we will need to employ someone to do this

If you are able to help with any of these tasks, if you have a particular skill or are just a willing pair of hands please contact us on GSL@Mardenscouts.org.uk – all help is very gratefully received

  • We would traditionally hold our AGM prior to the break up for the summer holidays, it is highly unlikely that we will be able to do this face to face and so we will consider possibly deferring until later in the year — we will of course keep you up to date.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and understanding during this unprecedented time; we will continue to monitor the latest Government advice in order that we can resume Scouting as soon as is possible whilst ensuring that our young people and adults stay safe.

Yours in Scouting


Nigel Scott

Group Chairman

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