Category: Scouts


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Wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS from all at Marden Scout Group

Remembrance Day Service 2021

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With the high number of COVID-19 cases in the area this year St Michaels and All Angels (Marden Church) will be holding a shortened Remembrance Day service outdoors, and under current Scouting guidelines our Scout Group are able to attend.


In “normal” times we ask all of our members to make every effort to attend both the annual St Georges Day parade and Remembrance Day service, however we are very mindful of the feedback that we are receiving in regard to cases of COVID in the local area and therefore would fully understand and support any members that didn’t wish to attend the service this year.


For those wishing to attend we ask that you meet at the Scout HQ at 10.20 am where we will assemble and then walk down to Church.  The service will begin at 10.45 am and finish at approximately 11.15 am.  During the service a collection will be held.  We ask that parents collect their children from the Church gates at the end of the service.


All those that are attending please wear full uniform, have a smartly rolled scarf, shiny shoes and a poppy.  With the service being outside please do dress for the weather with plenty of layers and a coat if needed.


We would ask that on the day if anyone has tested positive, feeling unwell or showing any COVID symptoms that they do not attend the service.


Yours in Scouting,


Kieran Burns

Group Scout Leader